dotScale Workshop day

May 17, 2014 · Paris, France

The Saturday before the main conference will be dedicated to a series of workshops hosted by our partners.

Your ticket for the conference does not grant you admission to the workshops. Space being limited, please only register if you are sure to attend.



Location: Web School Factory - 59 rue Nationale, 75013 Paris (map)

Hours: 2pm-6pm

Host(s): Bruno Renie & Pierre-Yves Ritschard, Lead developper & CTO at exoscale

Vagrant based visibility infrastructure lab

In this session we aim to build a centralized metric processing engine based on collectd, riemann and graphite, to help you gather more information on your infrastructure. The session will go as follows:

  • Introduction on visibility
  • Vagrant set-up on your laptop or exoscale cloud
  • 3-tier application deployment
  • Setting up collectd
  • Setting up Graphite-API
  • Setting up Riemann

Time will be allocated for questions.

Google Cloud Platform


Location: Web School Factory - 59 rue Nationale, 75013 Paris (map)

Hours: 2pm-6pm

Host(s): Martin Gorner, Mandy Waite and Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine of Google's Developer Relations team

Add a Google Cloud backend to your Android app

Come with your laptop and use Android Studio to write a brand new backend with Cloud Endpoints and hook it up to an existing Android application. Test locally, Deploy to the Cloud, Ship!


Please check them to be productive!

  • A reasonably-powered laptop with plenty of RAM (Sorry, no utrabooks or chromebooks)
  • A Java Development Kit (JDK, not JRE) version 7 (or 6, but not 8)
  • Latest Android Studio
  • Optionally, a recent Android device. Alternatively, you will be using the emulator



Location: Web School Factory - 59 rue Nationale, 75013 Paris (map)

Hours: 2pm-6pm

Host(s): Johnny Miller, Lead Solution Architect at DataStax

Data Modeling in the New World

In this half-day session, you’ll learn about Data Modeling in the New World with Apache Cassandra(™). Johnny will give you a quick overview of the Cassandra architecture for new-comers, but will swiftly move into the depths of data modeling with Cassandra, CQL, data modeling framework and case studies. There will be the chance to try the data Modeling exercises yourself.


  1. Introduction to Cassandra
    • Core concepts, availability, scalability, security
    • Appropriate hardware
    • Use cases for Cassandra
  2. QL and Data Modelling
    • Detailed overview of CQL
    • Data Modelling Approaches
    • Tools
  3. Native driver and protocol
    • An overview of the native driver and protocol
    • Tips and examples using the Java Driver
  4. Hands on workshop (optional - dependent on time)
    • Build a very simple Java application connecting to Cassandra
  5. Cassandra 1.2, 2.0 and up-coming 2.1
    • An overview of the functionality and features in these versions


  • You will need a 64-bit laptop with 8GB of available RAM and 20GB of free hard drive space.
  • You'll need to install the appropriate VMWare player for your operating system and download the VM and material for the hands on workshop here:
    This is an Ubuntu VM that comes installed with DSE 3.2/Cassandra 1.2 and the Eclipse IDE.
    You have to ensure the VM starts correctly as it will be required for the hands on workshop.



Location: Web School Factory - 59 rue Nationale, 75013 Paris (map)

Hours: 2pm-6pm

Host(s): David Pilato, Technical Advocate at Elasticsearch and creator of the Elasticsearch French Speakers User Group
He is a frequent speaker about all things Elasticsearch. In his free time, he enjoys coding and DJs four times per year, just for fun.

Elasticsearch overview

In this session we aim to give you the opportunity to participate in a hands on workshop that will get you familiar with our open source projects. In short the contents of the workshop will include:

  1. Getting started
  2. Let’s index some documents
  3. Let’s search them
  4. Let’s pull some analytics
  5. Let’s add a powerful live UI on top
  6. Snapshot and restore

There will be time allocated for questions & answers with our trainers too.